6 Positive Pregnancy Tests
2 Slices of Worry
1/3 Cup Excitement
1 Tbs of Guilt (Spread Thinly)
Sounds like something they only serve at the Diner for Infertiles, huh?
The holy-shit-I-can't-believe-I'm-typing-this-news...we're pregnant! (Whose idea was it to type this post without a box of tissues?!)
The crappy news...I'm so afraid to let my guard down and actually believe this IS IT. The moment I've waited for for over two years, through 4 IVF cycles, 1 miscarriage (D&C), 1 Chemical Pregnancy, and more disappointment than anyone should be subjected to...but this is the reality of battling infertility. This is what the disease does. It takes away the excitement of starting a family. It puts your marriage and friendships through the ultimate test of strength. It challenges your body in ways that seem, just, unnatural. It fucks with your mind, pushing you to some of the darkest places you may ever experience. Worst of all, it takes the joy out of the moments that should be filled with happiness.
I'm by no means trying to spew negative vibes here, I'm just being real. I am only human. These are my feelings. This is my reality at the moment. I figured out early on that happiness is something you have to work at throughout this process. Prior to starting this fourth cycle, I managed to get myself in the best mental state I had been in for over a year. I'd like to think that actually contributed to the good news. It wasn't until the dreaded two week wait that suddenly I began to struggle again. I teetered back and forth between thinking this would be my time, and wanting to be put out of my misery already.

At 4DP5&6DT (9DPO) I decided on a whim to take a test. I expected nothing more than a single line to pop up and for me to reassure myself that it was just too early...but that wasn't the case. There was a second line. Am I seeing things? Checked it again in the morning, still there! At 6DP5&6DT (11DPO) I tested again, and to my surprise another set of parallel lines...darker to boot! I start to think maybe this is real, but yet I still find it hard to crack a smile. I've been down this road before.
My official beta results came in today (9DP5DT) at a whopping 328! Ok, starting to feel more real, but we aren't out of the woods yet. Regardless, I know I need to keep myself in a place of positivity, and I owe it to myself to enjoy this moment.
Here's what I'm doing or have done to remain positive:
Here's what I'm doing or have done to remain positive:
1. Downloaded my very first pregnancy app (because, why the hell not?)
2. Continuing acupuncture to keep my chi circulating (and prick that "happy baby" point a few more times)
3. Surprised my immediate family and friends with the news, despite the unknown future (because I deserve to experience this)
4. Meditation (I can't praise this practice enough)
Here's what we did different this Natural FET cycle:
- Started Vitamin D3 Supplements at 2000iu per day (please consult your doctor)
- Started Low Dose 81mg Aspirin after confirmed ovulation (please consult your doctor)
- Infertility acupuncture session evening before transfer
- Infertility acupuncture immediately following transfer (2 hours after to be exact)
- Continued acupuncture 1x/week
- Went into this cycle with a clear mind, relaxed, and stress-free, following a 2 month break
Only noticeable "symptoms":
- Insomnia (waking up 1AM, 3AM, 4AM)
- Mild uterine pulling/tugging
- PM Nausea (particularly after eating)
- Pink / light brown DC 2-3 DP transfer (never had this ever before)
- Exhaustion in afternoon/evening
In one of my most popular posts on my blog "Becoming a Mother is Supposed to be My Choice", I mention that getting pregnant is not supposed to be the work of God or "good luck". I still firmly believe this. That said, I CANNOT deny for even a second that the amount of positive support and energy I received from my friends, family, ttcsisters, blog readers, IG family and alike has at least partially attributed to this BFP. The truth is, I literally couldn't get through this journey with you...and that's where the "pregnancy guilt" comes in. Another sad reality of infertility. I'm afraid of losing support from the community that has been my saving grace. I'm afraid my #ttcsisters will think I'm abandoning them on the rest of their journey. I'm afraid it may bring out some bitterness and anger (which I can completely understand, because...I'VE BEEN THERE). That's all well out of my control. All I can say is I am beyond thankful for this community and I intend stay on the sidelines cheering on each and every one of you. Reminding you to find happiness. Reminding you to keep fucking pushing. Reminding you to not give up...and reminding myself much the same.
I have no idea where this BFP will take me. My hope is, all the way to mommyhood. I know how quickly this can go downhill, which would fucking suck, but knowing I have this community to fall back on is one of the few things that makes me able to enjoy this moment...just a teensy, insy, bit.
Beta Results 9DP5DT: 328
Progesterone: 40
Back on Wednesday for Beta #2
Beta Results 9DP5DT: 328
Progesterone: 40
Back on Wednesday for Beta #2
For the POAS Addicts:

Been reading, following, sending positive vibes and I nearly almost cried reading this post- congratulations and thinking sticky baby dust!
ReplyDeleteThose beautiful dark double lines!!!
ReplyDeleteMany congratulations are in order, and you deserve to jump head first into a big pile of happiness and excitement! !! It's natural to be scared, but I say always believe the best expecting the worst, but I have such a great feeling this is the sticky baby of your dreams! Xoxoxox
God I am so thrilled for you Rachael! Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I know those emotions of fear play with it mind. After having two miscarriages I've been having a difficult time believing this pregnancy will work out. We just have to keep believing and hope for the best outcome. Enjoy announcing to ur family because today u are pregnant. U deserve it!
ReplyDeleteI am so happy for you! I posted on here anonymously before (I didn't realize I could put my name) about my 1st pregnancy that nded in a miscarriage and D&E this past December. You have been such an inspiration during my fertility struggle! I could learn a few from pointers from your positive attitude you have had since we will be embarking on our 1st cycle trying after the miscarriage very soon. I am sending baby dust your way tenfold I hope this is it for you! Congrats!
ReplyDeleteSorry if this double posts didnt seem to go through the first time- congratulations and yayyyy!!!!! I think maintaining a positive mindset makes a big difference and that's wonderful you've been doing so many things to keep you in a good place. Will be thinking of you- especially on Wednesday! :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I have been reading your blog for several months as I stumbled upon it during my own IVF journey. My husband and I were unable to conceive on our own due to severe male factor infertility (morphology = 1%). We were incredibly fortunate to get a BFP after our first IVF cycle (a fresh 3DT). When I originally got my BFP I too had a difficult time fully embracing the joy I knew was deep in side as I knew I had to be realistic about what could happen. I'm now 20 weeks pregnant and all is going well. What I have learned in the past 20 weeks is that I will never stop worrying about my little- that is what it is to become a mother. And after IVF, it can be particularly scary as we go through hell to get a BFP (if ever). I encourage you to try to bask in the happiness of knowing this cycle worked. No one knows how long this journey will be but try to enjoy every single moment of it. I will continue to send good thoughts your way and know that you will always have this community. You are an inspiration and will continue to be. Thank you for sharing your story and journey.
ReplyDeleteYAY!!!! I totally feel you on the skeptical feelings. We'd tried for 2.5 years and when I finally got my BFP through IVF, I felt like I was living on the edge of being disappointed every day. The first step is being able to wait a whole week for the next ultrasound (in my case, anyway) and then when I graduated to a normal OB, learning to be comfortable with only checking in once a month was SUCH a struggle. haha. I think I finally got used to it around 20 weeks. (but for a while I was that crazy person that called too much - always with the disclaimer of "listen, I had to get IVF, so I'm going to be a neurotic). Now I'm at 39 weeks and finally starting to let it sink in that this might actually be happening for us! I am SO incredibly happy for you guys! Its a long, crappy road, but I wouldn't have traded the experience I gained or the closesness it built with my husband for anything. I feel like having gone through this has prepared us in a way that many people don't understand or get to experience - for the good or bad. Take Care and I look forward to seeing the updates!
ReplyDeleteThis is so so amazing! Having had a rough time after my miscarriage and starting IVF round 2, I've been pretty pessimistic, and honestly and downright terrified. Hearing your news encouraged me, so thank you for being that light in what seems like a dark tunnel. Sending you lots of positive thoughts for a healthy 9 months! Keep pushing ;) YAY!!!!!!!! -Chelsea Altgelt
ReplyDeleteGreat news!!! Congrats!!!!! I was skeptical and had a un-scaleable brick wall during our surrogacy. After 6 IVFs, a hysterectomy and a cancer scare it just didn't and couldn't be real. Enjoy it and every milestone celebrate and start taking down your wall. You will be a mommy!
ReplyDeleteWoo Hoo! I am right along with you on that emotional rollercoaster! BFP and currently 15dp5dt. So nervous about miscarriage, as I have miscarried (D&C) before as well! Crossing my fingers your 2nd beta comes back strong!
ReplyDeleteWhat an incredible result after such a tough journey! A massive, massive congratulations from someone who's currently in the two week wait of my first (and hopefully only!) IVF cycle. My very best wishes for a happy and healthy 9 months!
ReplyDeleteCould I ask what your beta was at 5 weeks? Mine was 4136 and we think it could be twins so I was curious what yours may have been.
ReplyDeleteHi Aime - Congrats!! My beta at 18DP5DT (5 Weeks + 2 Days) was 11,363. Not sure if that helps! Xx
DeleteHi Rachael, Do you mind me asking, what were your embryo grades? AA? AB? BB? Thanks!