Patiently, Impatient on CD37 Post D&C

It's been five weeks and a day (who's counting?) since my D&C on June 3rd. Labeling D&C day as CD1 for ease of tracking, makes today 37 days without a period. Though the recovery time has been magical (and I mean that), I'm starting to get impatient. My veins are fully recovered, my body (for the most part) feels back to normal, my mind is in a better place and I'm overall feeling fulfilled, except for one...little...BIG...thing.

Knowing I have another cycle to go in-between D&C recovery and FET, I'm anxious to get this show on the road. It's an awkward thing...wishing for a period. Just another loony aspect of the IVF process I suppose. Even though my husband and I cannot conceive naturally, the delayed period still provides some torturous false sense of hope. I sit here thinking, maybe by some miracle, I am pregnant, knowing quite well it's not possible. Regardless, it's nice to dream about.

Glossingly aware that I need to schedule a saline sonogram with my next cycle, I've decided to shorten the wait, and requested to do blood work or be scanned, to see what's going on in that stubborn uterus of mine. So, Friday morning, I'll be back where this all started, sitting in a chair, giving blood, wondering when it will be my turn.

But if it's waiting for you, I'll wait.


  1. I hope is a miracle for you! Today is my day 36 and I'm just like you. I already have all the medication and my body is delaying all :(
    excuse my English I'm from Argentina
    good luck !!!

    1. Many thanks, Claudia! CD1 arrived today! Hope you're doing well <3

  2. You may want to try 3000mg of vitamin c for 3 days, it worked well for me during a 45 day cycle... No more than 3 days though!

  3. Hi Rachael, I found your blog through Jen and I just wanted to pop in to say I've read some of your story and what a strong woman you are! I'm terribly sorry to hear about your loss, but you're so right, if it's not a healthy, viable pregnancy, then you have to move on...even if it sucks really bad! Hoping your period shows up soon so you can move forward and be one step closer to your little one.
    Hugs to you!

    1. Hi Katelyn - Thanks so much for your sweet note. CD1 finally arrived today. Another check off the list. I appreciate your support, and look forward to stopping by your blog <3

  4. Hi! I just found your blog through Katelyn and just wanted to say I am so sorry for your loss. Hoping your period shows up soon so that you can move forward. Maybe they can give you Provera to get it jump started.

    1. Hi Amie! Thanks for your note. CD1 finally arrived today! Best of luck to you on your IUI cycle! Grow follies, grow! <3




TTC Sisters


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