Hitting the Reset Button...From 30,000 ft

The long awaited, well over-due, exceedingly necessary "Reset Vacation" is finally here! This is the first vacation, in probably forever, that I haven't "prepared" for. Does that sound as sick as it looks on digital paper? Truth be told, I am heavily reliant on my many lists and I'm convinced I wouldn't get by in life without them. To-Do, Don't Forget, Must Buy, Groceries, Shit I Wanna Read, Shit I Wanna Do, Baby Names I Love (That Everyone Will Hate)...you name it, I have a list for it.

This vacation however is different. It has a purpose other than hoping to fry my ass on the beach and use up my can of Solarcaine. It's a reset. Reset for my mental health, body, and marriage, all of which have taken quite a hit throughout this journey.

But baby making is supposed to be fun, right?! Yes, until...

  • You're having so much sex that you're practically disgusted by it. (Inconceivable? Preposterous? ... Try having sex every day for 8 days in a row and get back to me)
  • Your life revolves around ovulation predictor kits, basal body temperatures and cervical mucus (oh yea, I'm going there!)
  • You spend every month making yourself believe you're pregnant, "this is my month!"...only to be crushed, waking up to an episode of shark week...in your underwear (naturally, after your expected period was due, that bitch Aunt Flow goes straight for the jugular!)
  • You take fertility medications that turn you into a walking, sobbing, hot flashing, raging lunatic, ready to fly off the handle at any given moment 

and the LIST goes on...see? lists for everything!

So I'm going to give this whole "livin' on the edge" thing a whirl. No lists, no planning, just pure unadulterated relaxation. Let's hope I don't forget my toothbrush and panties! But seriously, who needs underwear on a vacation anyway? I'm beaching, eating and sleeping in a bikini! Maybe even flying in one if I'm so inclined. 

Things I want to do during this vacation: Retrain myself in meditation, read a few books, and just enjoy spending time with my husband without the pressure of making babies looming over our heads. Does it still count as a list if it's not in bulleted format? What a dork!


When we get back, the process kicks into high gear. Stay tuned for what is sure to be a hilariously frightening documentary of home administered injections! I love needles! 
:: I just died a little inside simply typing that :: 


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