Hide and Seek Veins - Day 6 Stims Update

According to my nurse, everything is lookin' good! Had a hard time finding veins this morning, which brings me to a total to 5 needle sticks for today (#humanpincushion). Follies are steadily growing, endo thickening up, levels increasing, and starting tomorrow I will be checking-in for morning monitoring DAILY.

I cried when I got off the phone. I'm happy, but I'm also nervous, worried, scared, excited...HORMONAL. Fortunately no mood swings yet, just a few uncalled for crying fests. I am only just today beginning to feel "things happening" in there. Very mild bloating and a "hello" from my ovaries once in a while. 

If you're anything like me (crazy), you expected to feel results from day one of stims. Rest assured, you are actually not supposed to feel much of anything, until you get closer to retrieval. That said, I'll stop wishing terrible pressure and bloating upon myself for a few more days. :)


  1. Hi Rachael, Thanks for posting about your journey. It is relieving to read about other couples doing IVF as well. I'm 29, my husband is 32 and we have been TTC for 2 years. We are attempting our first IVF cycle due to tubal blockage. I started Lupron 2 days ago and my Day 1 is in about 3 days! I'm excited/freaking out! I look forward to reading all your upcoming posts as you're just a few days ahead of me. :) Best of luck to you guys.




TTC Sisters


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