My arms took another beating this morning! Six cups of water, two tourniquets cutting off my circulation, a heat compress and FIVE needle sticks to draw blood. I absolutely would have been passed out on the floor if my comedian of a husband wasn't with me keeping the laughs coming all around.

We are keeping dosages where they are for now. Taking the slow and steady route. Estrogen levels have been rising quicker than follies are developing. The lower dose of menopur from 150 to 75 should help bring some balance. The good news is, follies are growing! My biggest now is at 14mm. Party is still going down on the left side, but the right is having it's own exclusive social gathering as well haha.
Overall I heard 9,8,11,12,13,13,14,11,12,9, etc. We are looking for at least two 18mm follies for trigger. Hoping to get there by Tuesday. Fingers crossed!
I found your blog on Instagram! I was trying to find your original post explaining what you are going through as far as treatments and procedures but came up short. My husband and I also suffer from infertility (unexplained) so I am always rummaging through blogs and pages having to do with this journey. I wish you the best of luck with lots and lots of baby dust! <3
ReplyDeleteHi Sarah - Thanks sweets! My husband and I are battling severe male factor infertility. We have less than a 1% chance of conceiving on our own. Hence, IVF/ICSI is our only option. I am currently getting ready for egg retrieval on my first IVF Cycle. It took us 10 months to see a specialist and finally get some answers. Wish we hadn't waited so long! I'm sorry to hear of your struggle. I think unexplained infertility has to be one of the most frustrating forms to deal with! Wishing you all the best. Baby dust right back at ya! xo