5DP5DT: Manicure, Pedicure, Mail

Fall is in the air, and I'm loving it! We've been sleeping with the windows open at night, partly because I like the breeze and sounds of the outdoors, but let's be serious, mostly because progesterone has me on FIRE as soon as I hit the sheets. Today is 5DP5DT, and I woke up to this cute note from Mr. UKU on my nightstand. It made me smile. Today 4AB should be completely implanted, and cells that will eventually become the placenta and fetus have begun to develop. This week is going by surprisingly fast, with a packed weekend ahead of me. 

Today's TWW Activities:

- Shipped my TTC Exchange package and a little pick-me up to my friend Elena over at Baby Ridley Bump

- Treated myself to a mani & pedi with a crisp fall color

Today's 5DP5DT "Symptoms":

- Isomnia (4AM natural wake up call, again!)

- Afternoon fatigue

- Afternoon waves of nausea

- Mild dizziness when I get up too fast

Will any of this mean anything? We'll know soon enough ;)




TTC Sisters


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