It has allowed me to...
- Meet some amazing infertility warriors (you guys rock)
- Keep my sanity in check (most of the time)
- Obsess over previous cycles and compare them to current stats (Hi. I'm insane. Nice to meet you)
- Document this insanely emotional and challenging journey, resulting in some sort of weird virtual scrapbook
- Take my own advice (like how to have a painless Novarel trigger shot or how to live in the now)
- Spread awareness for the infertility community
Why is this important?: has reached over 104,000 visits since launching 7 months ago!
What does this mean?
Over 100,000 people have actively shared in my story, taken my advice and/or just observed my crazy journey through IVF. Whether you found yourself here looking for advice, entertainment, a friend who understands what you're going through...or you're simply intrigued by the infertile world I live in, thanks for stopping by. As I've said before, if I can keep myself sane, while hopefully raising awareness and inspiring / informing others, then this blog serves its purpose.
In light of what an amazing personal impact sharing my story has made, I would like to encourage you to do the same. So I'm offering to design blog logos for two brave women who want to step out from behind the infertility curtain of shame and share their story.
If you're ready to take the leap and help raise awareness, drop me a note on my giveaway post on instagram @Rachael_Inc. Two winners will be chosen at random on Monday.
As always, thanks for your love and support <3
Feel free to check out some of my design work at :)
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