So, where do we stand? I wish I had a direct answer for this, but unfortunately I do not. With all of our testing thus far coming back clear, we are inching our way to becoming one of those couples without any real answers.
Following our meeting with our RE coming up on November 3rd, our immediate next step is to do a diagnostic hysteroscopy. I've already begun taking Aygestin to prep for the procedure. I'm not confident that any issues will be discovered, but at this point I almost wish they would find something so we could continue shifting our protocol appropriately.
I did have a short phone conference with my RE on Friday, and brought up Immunology testing again, and also asked if there is any additional testing she would consider pursuing. Aside from the hysteroscopy, she didn't have much else to offer, other than some changes in protocol such as introducing baby aspirin, or possibly even steroids, should that not work. She still believes the immune testing is a bunch of hocus pocus, but she did affirm that she will support us if we want to pursue this testing elsewhere and would coordinate to perform the frozen transfer. I'm still back and forth on the validity of it, but I have time to consult if I choose to. Please feel free to add any suggestions on specific testing I should consider asking about in the comments below. Thus far, we've completed the basic full panels, HSG, karyotypes on hubby and I, and thrombogenic panel for blood clotting disorders.
Despite my RE's surprise in how this has panned out, her feeling is that this WILL work for us. She compared herself to a flight attendant, saying "When the flight attendant panics, you panic." She's not yet panicking. Can't quite say the same for myself.
The preliminary plan at this point is for me to do the hysteroscopy this month, take off the month of December, and kick off our next FET in January. There are a lot of variables up in the air between now and January, pending the hysteroscopy and any further testing I decide to pursue. We also cannot forget that we have no idea if the remaining four frozen embryos are even chromosomally viable.
I often wonder if every one of our embryos has been / is abnormal. Unfortunately $6,000 and two back to back fresh cycles stands between us and the answer to that question. If we fail another FET, we may just have to try to make those two fresh cycles happen, along with the CGH testing.
We started this IVF journey in January 2014.
January 1, 2015 will officially close out (almost) an entire year of disappointment.
Why almost? Because I've decided to reclaim the next two months of my life, focusing on ME.
Here's MY plan...
and yes, it involves spending all sorts of money on my husband and I, because not everything we do in our lives has to be focused on infertility and IVF...

Note to Self: Just say "no" ... to chocolate.
Note to Self: Just say "no" ... to chocolate.
I've put together a very strict, one-month plan to get my eating habits back on track. Starting November 3rd, my body will be a temple...made only of fruits, veggies, healthy fats and lean proteins. I know...a random date, but for two very deliberate reasons...
1. I'm allowing myself one final night of debauchery at my annual Boos n' Booze Party on November 1st.
2. I only go grocery shopping on Sundays, so Monday was pretty much a give-in to kick this off.
2. I only go grocery shopping on Sundays, so Monday was pretty much a give-in to kick this off.
All left-over candy, cupcakes, cookies, chips and/or pizza will be sent off with stragglers or slathered with ketchup. I hate ketchup.
If you have any interest in challenging yourself to eat better, I'd be happy to share some of my favorite paleo recipes and weekly meal plans. Just send me a message through the contact form. :)
If you have any interest in challenging yourself to eat better, I'd be happy to share some of my favorite paleo recipes and weekly meal plans. Just send me a message through the contact form. :)
Only 25 Minutes? Errybody got time fo that!
Shaun T, I have not missed you, but I need you back in my life. Aside from my diagnostic hysteroscopy procedure, I will have no exercise restrictions for November and December, which means I will have no reason not to exercise. I am forcibly committing myself to five days per week / 25 minutes per day, because, well, that's how T25 works, and I'm too lazy to put together my own HIIT/cardio/weight training schedule these days. Baby steps (if only).
I work hard, and I should play hard too.
I work hard, and I should play hard too.
It's been 9 months since we started the IVF process. Isn't it ironic? Three failed cycles later, I've effectively spent the equivalent of my dream backyard on trying to build a family. While becoming a mother is my first priority, I've given up a lot, only to be faced with disappointment. I've put off simple hair color appointments, just in case I turned up pregnant. I've allowed my spa gift certificates to collect dust for over a year, because I didn't feel comfortable in my own (hormonally bloated) skin. I stopped buying myself new clothes, in hopes of future maternity shopping sprees. Quite possibly worst of all, I put off all sorts of vacation plans, opted for less exotic destinations, and coincidentally ended up using more vacation days for infertility shit, rather than...vacation. Bah-mother-fucking-humbug!
I'm aware that even in the fertile world, becoming a mother means giving up some things...sleep, alone time, and "quick" errands, just to name a few, but even then you should find ways to treat yourself.
So, I'm treating myself, because I deserve it. My frugality will live to see another day, just not in the next two months.
I'll be staying "artificially" blonde until I'm blessed with a reason to learn to love my natural mousy "bronde" hair. Additionally, I'll be dusting off my spa gift certificates and booking at least two decadent massage appointments in November to rest and reset.
Reflecting on what I'm thankful for...
Lastly, even though I'm not a huge fan of turkey, I am looking forward to the Thanksgiving holiday. Mostly spending time with family, but partly spending time reflecting on what I'm thankful for, despite an extremely difficult year. Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action.
A vacation is what you take, when you can no longer take what you've been taking...
We originally planned to ship ourselves off to Thailand for vacation to celebrate hubby's upcoming big 3-0 and simultaneously check another destination off of our bucket-list, but alas IVF and international travel posed too many risks. Maybe in a few years? We instead very happily booked 8 days at a stunning private villa situated on the secluded Cupecoy beach in St. Maarten. My suitcase is practically packed. 5 weeks to go :)

Not just a year older, but a year better <3 Happy 3-0 to Mr. UKU!
And so it is, Mr. UKU will be turning 30 years young on December 17th. We thought for sure we would be parents by the time this milestone birthday came around, but clearly life has other plans for us. I always thought he would make a great dad, one day I'll know it for sure. Fortunately, we've come to a very important realization in overcoming the early-life-crises: at the end of the day, it's all about seizing the moment. Carpe diem. We've spent far too much time living in the future, projecting events that have yet to happen and thus missing out on the present moment. Ageing does suck, but it's far better than the alternative, which is not being here at all. Being deeply loved gives you strength, loving deeply gives you courage. I've said it before and I'll say it again, there's no one else in the world I'd rather stand at the gates of hell with, than him.

It's the most wonderful time of the year!
Four reasons I love December: Chanukah, Christmas, New Years and Family. As much as I would love to keep trucking through, I really want to enjoy the holidays and time with my family and friends without the black cloud of infertility overhead. January 1st starts the first blank page in a 365 page book. I'm hoping to write a good one.
It's much more fun being consumed by cute holiday decor anyway, like these mini snow globes that one really doesn't need, but also really needs. Ya feel me?!
I was browsing through West Elm and the owl caught my eye. I don't know why, but I was really drawn towards it, like I had to have it for some reason (other than it's super cute). I'm taking it as a sign, a spiritual meaning of sorts, that I needed this as a symbol to seek clarity even in the dark. Owls have many symbolic meanings, steeped in native history and folklore. Its presence can often announce change...which I would unarguably accept with open arms. Made in China or not, it gives me a feeling of peace that I can't really explain.

I look forward to documenting the months of me, as we close out a rather crappy year. It may be two months premature, but my motto for the new year will be as follows:
Before you speak, listen. Before you write, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you invest, investigate. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try. Before you retire, save. Before you die, give.
To all of you who are still on this journey with me...
You're gong to want to give up. Don't.
Take pride in how far you've come and have faith in how far you will go.
and find a little time...for you <3
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ReplyDeleteLove your optimism and drive! Enjoy your months of YOU.
ReplyDeleteLove this! I do suggest having a consult with Dr. Braverman, he is a world re-known reproductive immunologist who specializes in IVF failure. He offers a free 10 minute phone consult which is really informative. Even if you decide to not go that route, its good to hear what he has to say!
ReplyDeleteYou and your story reminds me so much of my own. I took my husband on a cruise to Bermuda for his 30th a year and a half ago. His life goal was to be married with kids by 30, now he's 31 and we are still working to achieve that second part of his dream. You guys also have really no diagnosis as to why you can't conceive, same with us, and its so hard to have an unexplained diagnosis! Its very frustrating. I've also posted a lot about delaying plans and things like vacations, ordering a bridesmaid dress a size too big, etc. Because I thought I could be pregnant at those times, I've learned to break away from that a bit. Take care of yourself first, get the massages, get your hair done; and most importantly enjoy St. Maarten because it's one of the most beautiful places I've been, and I know you'll have a blast! Love you girl!
ReplyDeleteLove that you are allowing some me time. I struggle with the same issues, it's like I'm not allowed to enjoy my life until I become a mother. Enjoy your upcoming vacation and treating yourself.
ReplyDeleteAs for further testing...I am reading a book about immunology testing and recurrent ivf/miscarriages. According to Dr Beer for unexplained infertility he recommends the following testing. Category 1. Tissue type compatibility/ DQ Alpha compatibility. Category 2. Blood clotting defects phospholipids, antiphospholipid, inherited thrombophilia, Factor V Leiden, Protein C & S deficiencies, prothrombin 20210 mutation, MTHFR. Category 3. Antinuclear antibodies (ANAs) Category 5. Natural Killer cells, thyroid, CD 19+/5+ B lymphocytes
Whoa sorry I know that's a lot of info. I skipped the testing that I'm sure we all gone through before getting to IVF. FX that they find something during the Hysteroscopy, meaning u get some answers. Goodluck and u will see these next 2 months will fly by.
I too am taking the rest of the year off to enjoy ME! I am exercising again, eating well, socialising, pampering & planning a little get away, after 3 failed rounds of IVF this year I figured it was time to take a step back & look after myself.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the next chapters in your journey to baby, your are an inspiration!!
Stay positive :)
This post made me cry! You're amazing and a true warrior....although you bare the scars of your journey, you still remain beautiful; both inside an out. Please don't ever give up doing what you do, you're an inspiration to me an many others out there
ReplyDeleteI LOVE this post. I absolutely LOVE it!!! Your persistence, optimism, and drive really amaze me. I'm so happy for you taking these next 2 months for yourself, you absolutely deserve it!! I'm hopeful that you'll be able to get some answers after your surgery....I think the unknown must be the toughest part about unexplained infertility. I'm excited to follow you on this next leg of your journey. I'm ready for 2015 far 2014 has just been one ball of suck.
ReplyDeleteThere seems to be a huge focus on you diagnostically. What about your hubby. With his existing issues I'm surprised he isn't being looked into more thoroughly. Its known that sperm with damaged dna can fertilise eggs and create embryos, they do not last though. The tests is simple, just a SA basically. I would recommend this, an embryologist is looking for the best sperm and the best quality embryos. Unfortunately these may be the ones fertilised with damaged sperm.
ReplyDeleteGood luck and with perseverance you will get there.
Your thailand trip sounds like an amazing idea, bear in mind the vaccinations you may require though.
All the best.
Thanks for your suggestion. Hubby has had karyotype, multiple SA's and other than low count appears ok. The sperm DNA fragmentation test was not recommended, as we are already pursuing ICSI due to the low count. Finding a high or low volume of DNA fragmentation would not really change our ART plans, as ICSI would already be the route to go with higher DNA fragmentation. We are looking into pursuing CGH testing on our embryos if another cycle fails. Generally, we have great fertilization results, and are debating an issue with implantation or embryo quality/normality over all. Every step, is a step in the right direction. I appreciate your insights. Thailand is definitely in our future plans. Fortunately we are already vaccinated from our past international trips. Many thanks!!
DeleteThat makes sense. Another thought, can't help myself... after it took me three and a half years to finally get pg with ivf I like to give any advice I can. I know how shit it is.
DeleteSpeak to your RE about supplements. Mine didn't care for them but I think they are what made this cycle work for us.
Hubby - high dose vit C and E, prenatal and coq10. For me prental coq10 and omegas. You've prob looked into this but it is a cheap thing to try. Made a massive difference to our results. Good luck.
Lots of love from Scotland x