Spoiler Alert: Not that different!
What stayed the same?
- Headaches during first few days of stims
- Menopur still burned like hell going in
- Slow and steady follicle growth
- Similar amount of follicles and sizes
- Bloating & Constipation
- Triggered on Day 11 of STIMS both fresh cycles
What was different?
- No joint pain (had this with Lupron - weirrrddd)
- Ganirelix needle was dull and took a lot more effort to inject (ouch)
You can view my meds list for my IVF and FET cycles here.
Comparing Follicle Growth:
IVF Fresh Cycle #2 (Ganirelix Antagonist Protocol)
Final Follicle Measurement Before Trigger:
Left: (20, 20, 17, 16, 16, 15, 14, 12)
Right: (20, 19, 18, 15, 12)
Lining: 15mm
IVF Fresh Cycle #1 (Lupron Down Regulation Protocol)
Final Follicle Measurement Before Trigger:
Left: (22, 18, 18, 16, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12)
Right: (18, 16, 16, 14, 13)
Lining: 15mm
Comparing Retrieval & Fertilization Stats:
IVF Fresh Cycle #2 (Ganirelix Antagonist Protocol)
Eggs Retrieved: 12
Eggs Fertilized: 8
IVF Fresh Cycle #1 (Lupron Down Regulation Protocol)
Eggs Retrieved: 12
Eggs Fertilized: 7
Added to Protocol for Fresh IVF Cycle #2:
CGH Embryo Testing
Karyotype Genetic Chromosome Testing on Mr. UKU and I
Thrombogenic Testing
Still awaiting results on all

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