N is for Natural - As in Natural FET

CD8 and my uterus is quiet. I'm pretty sure I'm technically only CD6 based on my wonky second, post-D&C period, which possibly explains the lack of, well, anything lol.

I'll be back at the RE on Tuesday for BW and U/S. Looks like we'll be doing monitoring every other day until we start to get close to ovulation. I don't expect to pick up the pace for at least another week, because my ovaries consistently arrive late to the ovulation party each month, around cycle day 18-20...naturally.

Speaking of naturally, I'm really loving this natural cryo transfer cycle. Why? Because I forget it's even happening! Low stress, no shots, no uncomfortable bloating and pain, no weird medication based side effects. For now, we will monitor for ovulation through blood work and ultrasound. Of course with a lot riding on this cycle, I do have concerns over lining development, but I've been reassured that estrogen patches are an option to supplement if needed.

Once ovulation is detected, I will begin three oral medications as follows:

  • 100 mg Doxycycline daily x 4 days (antibiotic to prevent bacterial infection)
  • 16 mg Medrol daily x 4 days (to suppress immune system and prevent body from rejecting embryo)
  • 200 mg Progesterone three times daily x 12 weeks (if i'm lucky enough to get pregnant)

If all goes as planned, we'll be looking at doing an elective single embryo transfer around the second week in September, which means Baby UKU will be celebrating our three year wedding anniversary with us, and attending his/her first Coheed concert during the TWW :)

Things I'll be "naturally" freaking out about over the next few weeks:

  • My lining development being insufficient
  • Ovulation
  • The embryo not surviving the thaw
  • This cycle not working and going through the heartbreak again

Until Tuesday...


  1. So excited for you as you gear up for this FET! Thinking of you and praying for a thick fluffy lining!

  2. "Low stress, no shots, no uncomfortable bloating and pain, no weird medication based side effects." - I love this :) I'm hoping this will be it for you! It sounds like a great plan with meds to back everything up! I am so excited!

  3. I'm new to ur blog. I love the natural approach. I declined being on BCP because I felt like it was negatively impacting my chances. I don't normally ovulate so we had to use other meds to build up my lining. Hope this natural approach brings u success.




TTC Sisters


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