Failed IVF Cycle: Next Steps to Mommyhood

I'm happy to report that my uterus has officially stopped being a bitch. It took quite a few weeks (and a few slices of pizza) to get myself mentally "back on my feet" again after my failed IVF cycle and dramatic D&C. Finally, my body feels back to its pre-ivf self (sans medicine and chocolate milkshakes). The unhealthy eating was fun while it lasted, though I should really look into a better coping mechanism...preferably one that doesn't result in my pants shrinking ;)

I'm back to strict paleo, lost 7 pounds of sadness/anger, and just received approval to exercise and baby dance. Two things that are surely going to help my current deprived state of being.

So, what are my next steps to mommyhood?

  1. Enjoy summer to the fullest

  2. Await CD1 of my next cycle (June/July), and schedule Saline Sonogram for CD 7-10. Why? To make sure my uterus is back to a happy place and ready to house embie #2.

  3. Enjoy summer to the fullest

  4. CD1 of following cycle (August) begin second IVF Cycle - Natural FET. What does this mean? No shots, no stims, just following my natural cycle and transferring 6-7 days after ovulation, based on Freezing day of embryo.

  5. Enjoy summer to the fullest
I'm excited about attempting a natural cycle, as I personally was not a fan of conceiving under such medicated circumstances in the first place (though would have been thrilled had it worked). I can only hope that my body and embryo respond better the next go 'round. I know my FET will be here before I know it, but I really am in no rush. I'm looking forward to summer day trips, long weekends, the beach, margaritas, getting back to dance/choreo, and resetting my chakras.

Maybe I'll be blessed with a spring baby, and will get to wear those oh-so-cute summery maternity dresses I lust after.
We'll see how I feel about my appearance at 8-9 months LOL.


  1. It's great to see such a positive outlook after what you went through. I know it can be rough! I hope these next couple of months bring you relaxation and courage to move forward.

  2. You inspired me to finally start a blog about our own experience with infertility. Thank you for having the courage to share your stories with others, it truly has made an impact!
    My husband and I still haven't felt comfortable sharing our journey with friends or family, although they would be completely supportive of what we're going through, since it's all we think about and we don't want others close to us to be constantly wondering or asking where we are in the process. The blog I started earlier this week can be found at - feel free to follow along... no where near the creative graphics you make, but I'm slowly getting more comfortable sharing what we're going through in dealing with MFI and the prep for our first IVF cycle in July. Best wishes to you in your next steps to becoming a momma!

    1. Hi Kate! So happy to hear you're sharing your journey. I look forward to following along :) How is the lupron going for you? Wishing you a successful cycle!! All the best <3




TTC Sisters


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