Baseline Appointment: Let the Stimming Begin

CD1 has arrived! That was quick. Got emotional hoping this will be the last CD1 of 2014 (a girl can dream). My baseline appointment went well, standard blood work and ultrasound. Then came the dreaded wait...

U/S Technician: "The nurse will call you this afternoon with instructions."

Me (in my head): "Is that good? Is it bad? Am I stimming or crying? Will she call early afternoon or late afternoon? Why do I always wear a shirt that is impossible to roll up for blood work?" ... and many other crazy things HAHA

Four piles of folded laundry and one clean house later, I got the call. Approved for stims (yay!). Lupron drops to 5 units per evening, 150 of Follistim every morning, 150 of menopur every night. See you next Tuesday for blood work and ultrasound. And so begins three injections a day...

I will not sugarcoat anything. The follistim is a little uncomfortable for me. Has a bit of a sting to it. Definitely recommend only injecting at room temperature, as it burns if it is too cold. The menopur is a bitch no matter how it goes in. Slow or fast, the shit burns! I find that icing the area after injection makes it feel better. The injection site is tender to the touch for about fifteen minutes. The first night I was approved for stims, I had to do all three, one after another. It was at that time that I discovered, two at a time is definitely my limit. Now I take the folli in the morning, and the lupron and menopur at night per the nurses instructions. 

So far my symptoms aren't too bad. 

  • None since initial injections
  • Day 2: Discomfort in the lower belly area (felt like my ovaries were being woken up against their will)
  • Day 3: Slight dizziness, feeling foggy ... mixed with a case of the Monday's
  • None so far
My symptoms seem to come and go after my body goes through its initial shock. We'll see how things progress through the stimming process. Hoping I respond well and at the very least make it to egg retrieval without complications!


  1. Hi Rachel! I am so happy I found your page through Resolve's website! I'd love to talk more about your journey & mine. Keep smiling, because one day we will have beautiful babies. Just always trust in God & his plan <3 <3

    1. Hi Jessie! Thanks so much for your support and kind words :) Would love to catch up via e-mail and hear about your journey. You can reach me at <3




TTC Sisters


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