Pullin' the Trigger - Day 11 Stims Update

Bloating last night was off the charts. I was puffy from my thighs to my boobs. I knew I needed a sodium fix, so I ordered the saltiest take-out I could think of...Chinese food.

Lady on the Phone: "Ok. Ready in 10 minute. Name Please...?"
Me: "You can put it under Marshmallow Man"

Unsuspecting (non-marshmallowy-looking) husband is asked to pick-up the food when I come to the realization I am too uncomfortable to sit in the car. Wish I was there for the awkward moment at pick-up. Ha.

Hubby arrived home with the goods and my perfectly paleo diet was thrown out the window for the night, as I scarfed down wonton soup, chicken w/ broccoli, an eggroll and those delicious fried wonton strips dunked in duck sauce. Although I felt gross after consuming it all, I woke up feeling deflated and nearly back to normal! Sodium and water are your friends when stimming!

Now for the #100HappyDays news: Trigger shot tonight! 

Fortunately, because I'm little, I only have to use the 1" needle, rather than the 1.5" that was also sent to me. I had my nurse draw out the targets on the left and right side. Debating outlining them in permanent marker, as I'll be shooting up for a few weeks in the same area. Though I'm not looking forward to daily intramuscular injections, I'm happy to only have to worry about one vs three. Looks like my evenings with follistim, menopur and lupron are over (sayonara bitches)!

Let's mature some eggs!

Today's Numbers:

Left: (22,18,18,16,16,15,14,13,12,11...)
Right: (18,16,16,14,13...)

Lining: 15mm

How I'm Feeling:
  • Bloated
  • Uncomfortable Sitting
  • Super Excited
  • Hungry for More Chinese Food :P


  1. Great news!! Being that bloated is a great reason to spoil your diet with Chinese food!




TTC Sisters


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