It Starts With Food: My Whole 30 Challenge

After a year long infertility struggle that wreaked havoc on my life, I made a commitment to myself to restart and reset. The plan was to take time to do ALL the things I've made excuses NOT to do as a result of my babyless depression.

One of those "things" included sitting my ass in a chair and reading book, after book, after book...

I forgot just how much I enjoyed reading...a real book, as I spent hours/days/weeks glued to my computer screen, self diagnosing, analyzing bbt charts, and researching shit that only a desperate wannabe mommy could possibly look up in a Googling episode of manic proportions.

:: deletes browsing history::

Living up to my promise to myself, I did in fact read book, after book, after book...a few of which I declare life changing (only of course if you're able to apply the principles). More on those life altering reads in another post, but for now, let's talk about "It Starts With Food". If you haven't read it yet, get the scoop here.

I found this book to be practical, informative, tough, inspiring and just the motivation I needed to stop me in my tracks on my reckless path of eating. One of the many things I let infertility ruin was my perfectly Paleo diet. With every disappointment, came a sudden distaste for veggies and a heightened desire for chocolate (because let's be honest, there's always a little desire for chocolate no matter how healthy you are). What made me feel good for the moment, made me feel terrible for days.

Enter the Whole 30. My "diet" reset, and challenge to myself to restart my healthy eating habits (and hopefully clear up this unsightly processed-food-induced acne I've recently developed - Ahhh to feel young again!).

Since this is MY challenge, I will not direct you on how to execute the program (should you even want to put those delicious cookies aside), but I will share with you my progress and what I'll be shoving in my mouth over the course of the next 30 days.

Check out my meal plans and food hauls here!

I hope this will allow me to get back into my pre-infertility mindset regarding food, and will shift into a "rinse-and-repeat" cycle when the 30 days are up. If you're in for the challenge yourself, read the book and get in the know on food cravings, the psychology of eating, and food science-y shit. It will make the commitment that much easier.


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